We give survivors of trafficking and torture the strength to move on.

With an all encompassing care for the whole journey, survivors have the dignity, strength and freedom to live their lives to the fullest.

Our care ensures survivors are free, healthy, safe, are protected from re-victimisation, detention and poverty.
Our care guides survivors to recover following their experiences of trafficking and torture.
Our care supports survivors for their whole journey enabling constant and sustained recovery.

It’s about trust. It’s about listening. It’s about love. Ensuring survivors have the strength to fly.

Our Work

The Helen Bamber Foundation provide detailed and specialised care across six key areas for survivors of trafficking, torture and extreme human cruelty.
Our specialist teams of professionals provide therapy, medical advice, legal protection, housing and welfare, counter trafficking and help with integration into the community. 
This all encompassing care ensures that Survivors heal, reclaim their independence and start living fully.


Our Approach

Our all encompassing care will directly or indirectly support survivors of torture, trafficking and extreme human cruelty across the UK and beyond. We do this by working directly with Survivors. By sharing our insight and training with partner organisations to indirectly reach more Survivors and securing policy and practice change to help support every Survivor. 

To put it frankly, we ensure the best level of care for our clients. And we know that the best level of care is always changing, so, we grow alongside our clients, to make sure we maintain excellence. 

Become Part of Our Journey

When you become a donor, you become part of the Helen Bamber Foundation. You become a part of the all encompassing care. You voice, joins with our voices, to become actively part of survivor’s recovery. You join the journey towards freedom, safety and power for all survivors of torture, trafficking and extreme human cruelty. 

You are holding hands with people who are deemed ‘unfixable’ telling them you are listening, you are not a bystander, you are here for the whole journey.

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