Quality Standards for Healthcare Professionals Working with Victims of Torture in Detention
The healthcare of those in detention who have been tortured
The healthcare of those in detention who have been tortured
It has been my pleasure and privilege to join the team at the Helen Bamber Foundation (HBF) this year, to build on Helen’s and the Foundation’s remarkable legacy. The Foundation is a special place - in the services it offers, the culture it promotes and the people it supports. Our clients are at the centre of all we do. We bear witness to their suffering so that their voices are heard, their truths told. Our success as an organisation is a testament to our clients’ resilience and bravery. We hope that you too will be inspired by their stories. I am proud to share with you the Annual Report and financial statements for HBF for the year ended 31 December 2018.
This article describes a clinical protocol for supporting those presenting with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and dissociative symptoms, particularly dissociative flashbacks, based on a cross-culturally applicable model.
Helen Bamber Foundation Clinical Psychologist, Dr Kemi Komolafe, contributed to
The number of asylum seekers, refugees and internally displaced people worldwide has increased dramatically over the past 5 years. Many countries are continuing to resort to detaining asylum seekers and other migrants, despite concerns that this may be harmful.
The Slavery and Trafficking Survivor Care Standards were launched in
We have become increasingly concerned regarding the impact on our
The recommendations in this document highlight the minimum standards needed
Victims of human trafficking (VoTs) have often endured extreme, traumatic
The Anti-Trafficking Monitoring Group (ATMG) was founded in 2009 to